Thursday, December 23, 2010

36 weeks


Little munchkin already 36 weeks.. Today we went for check up at DEMC. Nak pegi check up pun byk drama..haish...

Crazy workload at office... Just add unnecessary stress to me!

Baby now weight @ 3kg.. So fast aaa??? :)

My darling~inside womb... tangan sorok muka..

-false contraction everyday/Braxton Hicks
-sakit pinggang mulai kerao
-Hidung kembang
-Berat adalah 66kg (an increase of 12kg) (how am I going to lose that??????)
-hidung kembang (okey,dah cakap 2 kali...mmg emo!)
-maseh aktif online shopping
-maseh bermekap sakan bila keluar


1 comment:

  1. breast feed blh turun blk berat.pakai pb utk bg shape blk body
