Saturday, November 6, 2010

How's your life?

Did u notice that adjusting life after marriage wasn't that EASY?


Your friend's no longer NEAR you.

Life change.
Now that u have a husband, your routine also change.

I am glad that I have a supportive and sporting husband.

But, I dont know why, deep in my heart
Im afraid
that I might lose myself.

You know,
The one that is adventurous, bubbly, shopaholic me?

Marriage requires you to commit urself into one big commitment.
I am learning to accept this fact.

Maybe ur better half going through the same phase.
Maybe this phase of life will make u grew wiser.


All I need right now is a nice vacation.
Maybe Im over stress with work and gaga about beloved baby joining our not-so-perfect-not-so-manageable-life.

Or a good book.
I only read magazines and newspaper nowadays.
I seriously need a "book-shopping"
Even though I have 4 to 5 books in my "belum-disentuh-untuk-pembacaan-"

I have so many plans in life.
To continue MBA after delivery, to save more for little munchkin, and the list go on

And, did I mention that I terribly MISS my body?
Not that I have 34'-24-34' b4 pregnancy,
But looking back at old pic makes me miss wearing skinny jeans!!

Enough of my ramblings.

I enjoy beautiful things in life.
and still do.

Just want to share this wonderful yet simple video by Michelle Phan, 23 yrs old. She's a self-styled Internet celebrity, filming herself doing her own makeup, giving beauty tips. She edits on a MacBook Pro and posts the instructional videos on YouTube.

P/s: This entry is just another serious confession of imperfect wife


  1. luahan berani mati..bagus2!at least jujur coz theres no perfect marriage exists in this world..and of coz ur life will change after u get married.responsiblity tu bertambah and lagi2 dh preggy ni kan..xle bergerak sesuka prepared when the new family member is first 3mths of marriage tu dh cukup rasa stress tu..confuse ok!now dh lama kawin dh get used to being a wife n soon 2b mom:)

  2. diah: so true kn? only when u enter marriage life then baru tahu. selama ni tgk ja ingat snang ja macam main kawe-kawen..
    heehe..let's just do our best n pray Allah will bless our rumahtangga :)
